Closing milestones of the Dow Jones Industrial Average Wikipedia

The Russell 2000 index is considered a benchmark for smaller U.S. stocks. The DJIA is one of the oldest U.S. indexes, having been created in 1896. Because the Dow is limited to 30 companies, when one company enters the index, another must leave. As investors, it is crucial to have a comprehensive grasp of the… Continue reading Closing milestones of the Dow Jones Industrial Average Wikipedia

What is Forex Margin: A Comprehensive Guide for Traders

Assuming your trading account is denominated in USD, since the Margin Requirement is 4%, the Required Margin will be $400. When margin is expressed as a specific amount of your account’s currency, this amount is known as the Required Margin. You may see margin requirements such as 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 5%, 10% or higher.… Continue reading What is Forex Margin: A Comprehensive Guide for Traders

Journal Entry for Rent Paid Cash, Cheque, Advance, Examples

A few years back, it got into the commercial rental market with a few small shops, one of which is a cafe. On May 15, ABC signed a two-year shop lease with Watercress Cafe, charging them $1,000 per calendar month. We’ll keep the exercise simple and not be worrying about other costs, bonds, etc. Accrued… Continue reading Journal Entry for Rent Paid Cash, Cheque, Advance, Examples

Everything You Need To Know About Options Bid Ask Spread

The outside strikes are commonly referred to as the wings of the butterfly, and the inside strike as the body. Closely related to the butterfly is the condor—the difference is that the middle options are not at the same strike price. While the basic calculation of the bid-ask spread involves pretty simple math, more complex… Continue reading Everything You Need To Know About Options Bid Ask Spread

Dywidenda Co musisz wiedzieć o wypłacie dywidendy i prawach akcjonariuszy? Polskie ePłatności

Znając ogólną pulę pieniężną i dzieląc ją przez ilość wszystkich akcji, otrzymamy zysk z tytułu jednej zakupionej akcji. W większości przypadków kwota dywidendy z pojedynczej akcji jest identyczna, niezależenie od akcjonariuszy. Wyjątkiem są akcje uprzywilejowane, które charakteryzują się większym zyskiem z tytułu jednej wykupionej akcji. PKN Orlen był jednym z liderów wśród najbardziej hojnych firm… Continue reading Dywidenda Co musisz wiedzieć o wypłacie dywidendy i prawach akcjonariuszy? Polskie ePłatności